
  • 17년 3월 #3,4,5. 2승1패
    방향/일상다반사 2017. 3. 6. 01:01

    #3, 밤에 약속과 일이있어서 지키지 못헀다

    #4, 다음날 5시50분에 기상해야했지만 약속을 지켰다. 그러나 너무 많이 먹었다..

    #5. 문제없이 기상하였다!!(사실 꾸물데다가 늦었다) 약속도 지키고, 운동도 하였다.

    목표를 정해서 달력을 만든 이유는 나 자신에게 변명거리를 주지 않기 위해서였는데.. 어째 2일이나 퐁당퐁당하고서 하루만에 올린다.

    오늘도 피곤해서 7~8시까지 잠깐 졸았다가 일어나서 스벅에서 11시까지 일 좀 하다가 돌아와서 운동을 하였다.

    4번째 팔굽혀펴기 100회지만, 지난번에 비해 (자세는 부정확하더라도)100번 중 40번은 무릎을 바닥에 안대고서 성공하였다.

    3월말에는 정자세로 100회에 성공해야지.

    요즘 가지려고하는 작은 취미1. 사진

    1. 초점이 있는 사진이 좋은가, 아니면 흐린 사진이 좋을까.

    초점이 명확해서 집중이 더 잘될지, 아니면 흐릿하기에 궁금증을 유발하는 사진이 좋을지.

    2-1. 사진을 찍기전, 가로등이 없이 불이 꺼지고 있었다. 나의 자가용 누비자.

    2-2. 마음에 드는 구도를 발견했는데 고 사이에 가로등이 켜졌다. 등 하나의 차이인데, 분위기가 이렇게 달라지는지.

    3. 꽃이 핀다. 3월 4일, 이른 봄도 아닌 저물어가는 겨울에.

    요즘 가지고 있는 취미2. 음악감상

    음악만큼 좋은 영상.

    Fixing up a car to drive in it again
    Searching for the water, hoping for the rain
    Up and up, Up and up
    Down upon the canvas, working meal to meal
    Waiting for a chance to pick your orange field
    Up and up, Up and up
    See a pearl form, a diamond in the rough
    See a bird soaring high above the flood
    It's in your blood, It's in your blood
    Underneath the storm an umbrella is saying
    Sitting with the poison takes away the pain
    Up and up, Up and up
    We’re gonna get it, get it together
    I know we’re gonna get it, get it together somehow
    We’re gonna get it, get it together and flower
    We’re gonna get it, get it together
    I know, we’re gonna get it, get it together and float
    We’re gonna get it, get it together and go
    Up, and up, and up
    Lying in the gutter, aiming for the moon
    Trying to empty out the ocean with a spoon
    Up and up, up and up
    How come people suffer? How come people part?
    How come people struggle? How come people
    Break your heart? Break your heart?
    Yes I wanna grow, yes I want to feel
    Yes I wanna know, show me how to
    Heal it up, heal it up
    See the forest there in every seed
    Angels in the marble waiting to be freed
    Just need love, Just need love
    When the going is rough, saying
    We’re gonna get it, get it together
    I know we’re gonna get it, get it together somehow
    We’re gonna get it, get it together and flower
    We’re gonna get it, get it together
    I know, we’re gonna get it, get it together and float
    We’re gonna get it, get it together and go
    And you can say what is, or fight for it
    Close your mind or take a risk
    You can say it’s mine and clench your fist
    Or see each sunrise as a gift
    We’re gonna get it, get it together
    I know we’re gonna get it, get it together somehow
    We’re gonna get it, get it together and flower
    We’re gonna get it, get it together
    I know, we’re gonna get it, get it together and float
    We’re gonna get it, get it together and go
    Up, and up, and
    We’re gonna get it, get it together
    I know we’re gonna get it, get it together somehow
    We’re gonna get it, get it together and flower
    We’re gonna get it, get it together
    I know, we’re gonna get it, get it together and float
    We’re gonna get it, get it together and go
    Up, and up, and up
    Fixing up a car to drive in it again
    When you’re in pain, when you think you’ve had enough
    Don’t ever give up
    Don’t ever give up
    Believe in love



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